Our Story

Tom Bassett
On May 5th 2017 our lives were shattered when we received the devastating news that our son Tom had been killed in Dubai. This traumatic situation was exacerbated by the complex and costly process that we had to follow in order to bring our son home.
Our experiences instilled in us a desire to help others who found themselves in similar situations and inspired us to set-up the Repatriation Services Trust. REST aims to help those who have lost a loved one overseas by providing advice, support and, where appropriate, funding.
The fundraising events run by the REST trustees and supporters, and the donations made by businesses and individuals, enable us to cover the costs incurred in offering these services and supporting other families.
That morning we flew to Dubai to see Tom and to bring him back to Wales. Knowing Tom had travel insurance with Lloyds we rang them to arrange the repatriation payment. They wouldn’t assist us unless we could produce an English death certificate. This, of course, in an Arabic country wasn’t possible, even though the local security officer who assisted us spoke to them and verified our position.
We then contacted the British Embassy in the UK. They emailed a document listing our options, Tom being dealt with in Dubai or Repatriation to Wales. Obviously, Repatriation was the only option we’d consider. From a list of companies we chose one with a local agent and contacted him. The total cost would have to be met immediately.
We were now completely on our own with no support from the travel insurance company, in a foreign land. We were lucky enough to be able to pay the bill from our savings to prevent any delay.
We just needed Tom home with all the people who love him. We flew home on the third day bringing Tom with us.
Discussing our dreadful experience with family and friends it was clear that many of them wouldn’t have the access to funds if they found themselves in our tragic circumstances.
Using our own heart-breaking experience to, in true Tom Bassett style, put our arm around and offer support and advice to others that go through such devastating tragedy we founded REST.
REST will provide advice, support and help towards funding for people who lose a loved one in a foreign country.
REST costs will be funded by events throughout the year, and by business and personal donations. The families we help will hopefully join the fund-raising effort.
If you need any advice, support and financial aid please use the get in touch tab.